Danny built his reputation as a fine artist, showing his work in galleries and other venues, as well as becoming a house artist at the famed Limelight club. Several of his paintings have appeared in movies and on television.

His recent operation of gallerygro at Tree Studios (an exhibition space in Chicago's pre-eminent land-marked Artists' Building) has brought newfound renown to the recently rehabbed building and to the artists showing their work there.

Danny's experience of more than 25 years in the arts has made him a sought after consultant for companies wishing to creatively communicate with consumers.

Sample Works
Prices shown for original artwork. Contact or visit GREEN Ink for information on additional prints and originals.

Late Snow
(14" x 17" - Framed)

Green Line Station
(14" x 17" - Framed)

Shadow Panel Painting
(18" x 36")

Shadow Panel Painting
(24" x 36")

Shadow Panel Painting
(24" x 36")

Shadow Panel Painting
(24" x 36")

Shadow Panel Painting
(24" x 36")

Song Scapes
"Simple Gifts"
by: A. Copeland
(11" x 38")
Prices do not include any applicable sales tax.
Contact gworkltd@sbcglobal.net for purchasing information.
Artist retains print rights.