Beauty through patience ... that is what Margaret achieves in her artwork. Fine-crafted needlepoint is her medium of choice. Selecting styles that range from Oriental to Art Deco to Modern, Margaret embeds life into each piece - stitch by colorful stitch.

A keen sense of subtlety and balanced grace is present in Margaret's Oriental selections, while gold and silver threadwork add glamour to many of her handmade pieces.

Sample Works
Prices shown for original artwork. Contact or visit GREEN Ink for information on additional prints and originals.

Out For The Evening
(26" x 20")

Circa 1920
(34" x 10" - Framed)

(14" x 12")

Oriental Woman - Red
(15" x 15" - Framed)

(18" x 12")

(28" x 22")

Prices do not include any applicable sales tax.
Contact for purchasing information.
Artist retains print rights.